Recovery Support Services

Recovery Housing

At Home of New Vision, we provide recovery housing for both women and men who are seeking to live a life of recovery. Individuals committed to recovery from substance use disorders are provided a safe, structured living environment that supports personal, spiritual and emotional growth. Home of New vision offers both traditional and medication-assisted treatment recovery housing options.

Our program provides both peer-to-peer recovery support in a shared living environment, as well as full-time staff to support our clients and our mission as an agency. The program enables clients to build and develop resources and skills that will assist in sustaining their recovery as they transition to live independently in the community. Home of New Vision supports multiple pathways to recovery, including 12-step meetings, recovery community organizations (RCOs), non-12 step meetings (such as Smart Recovery, Recovery Dharma), individual or group therapy, peer recovery support, and holistic well-being.

Ypsilanti Recovery Wellness Center

The Ypsilanti Recovery Wellness Center, opened in 2023, is a drop-in recovery center staffed by recovery coaches that provides a wide range of recovery support. The center serves as a hub to link together services throughout our agency in the greater community. Coaches work together with clients towards reducing barriers to accessing and maintaining a happy, healthy lifestyle by focusing on the eight dimensions of wellness to prevent substance use and misuse in our communities.

141 Ecorse Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198


Case Management

Addresses the specific needs of men and women with substance use or co-occurring disorders who have difficulty remaining engaged in a recovery path due to unstable environmental conditions and limited consistent and stable relationships. Program goals are rooted in a recovery-oriented system of care, meet clients at whatever stage of readiness to change they are in, and focus on enabling individuals to become successfully engaged in a treatment continuum and other services/needed resources that will lead to stabilization and recovery through the efforts of maintaining a continuous relationship with a recovery-based case manager.

Recovery Coaching

Getting into recovery can seem like an overwhelming task for people who are considering a path to recovery. Recovery Coaches are people who have lived experience with a substance use disorder and can assist an individual with integrating into the recovery community, find mutual aid meetings that best reflect their preferences and values, increase positive social supports, explore healthy activities that focus on an individual’s overall wellness, and secure resources. Home of New Vision’s Recovery Coaching services are provided through a broad range of engagement strategies, some of which include meeting individuals during their stay in the hospital, inpatient and outpatient settings, after an overdose event, and in different community partner locations. The hardest part about recovery is developing a sense of connection and belonging within a new community; recovery coaches are a bridge from old behaviors into a meaningful and fulling life.


View our resource guide that will walk you through the process one step at a time.