Recovery Housing

Home of New Vision Recovery Homes
Home of New Vision Recovery Homes

It can be extremely challenging for individuals in early recovery to sustain that recovery if they return from treatment directly to their normal living environment, with all its triggers to use. A recovery residence offers an intermediate step that provides the recovering individual with time to practice and solidify recovery in a safe, substance-free environment, and to develop healthy habits, activities, and connections to people and places that promote sustained recovery.

Home of New Vision provides recovery housing for women and men who desire to live a life of recovery. Clients who are committed to recovery are provided with a safe, structured and supported living environment that fosters personal, spiritual and emotional growth. Clients must abstain from alcohol and illegal drug use while living in Home of New Vision’s recovery residences.

The program provides peer-to-peer recovery support in a shared living environment, where residents develop and practice skills for living a clean and healthy lifestyle while supporting each other, working, and attending 12-step or other recovery-based meetings. The program enables clients to build and develop resources that will support sustained recovery as they transition to living independently in the community.

There are 3 Ways to Enroll!

  1. Print and fill out the “Recovery Residence Housing Application” and “Rules and Regulations” from the links below and email them to: Please choose one and write it at the top of page 1: HNV Ann Arbor or the Amber Reineck House
  2. Fill out the application using the electronic form below. Please choose one on the form: HNV Ann Arbor or the Amber Reineck House
  3. Call us at 734.332.4910 Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Recovery Residence Housing Application

Recovery Residence Rules and Regulations

Contact – Cristie Johnson, Housing Coordinator at 734.332.4910

Home of New Vision Recovery Housing Application

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Before You Start

This form may take up to 30 minutes to complete. Please allow yourself at least that amount of uninterrupted time to fill out this form. This form cannot be saved and returned to.